
Name: Brian
Born: 1978
Live: m/v Africa Mercy

  • Technology development across a broad range of disciplines.
  • Africa Mercy underwater maintenance.
  • Lots of admin/logistics things in the Deck Department onboard the Africa Mercy.
  • A Christian - the real γεννηθη εξ υδατος και πνευματος* kind.
  • A nerd - defined as someone with an insatiable curiosity.
  • A Computer Engineer, pilot, diver, and live sound mixer.
  • Well informed. Some say opinionated.
  • Adventurous.

  • Organized (organizing?) chaos.
  • Technology, including aerospace operations and robots. (But who doesn't like robots?)
  • A broad range of music but especially Electronic/Ambient.
  • People who:
    • Know what they believe and why they believe it.
    • Contribute to their society.
    • Know what they’re talking about.

* literally "being generated out of water and of spirit", commonly translated as "born-again"