Thursday, December 8, 2016

Back in the saddle (aka wetsuit)

The handover is complete and I'm officially back at the helm of the dive team. We've been blessed with a larger group of divers than ever before to assist with all the maintenance. I can't help but think that the clear waters of Madagascar had something to do with the size of our team but whatever the reason I'm blessed by the willingness of so many to serve in this unique and much-needed-but-grubby capacity.

So far the visibility has been fairly poor but we've finished running guide ropes to all of the equipment that needs regular servicing. This allows us to simply follow the line on descent and ascent instead of needing to manually locate everything on each dive - a significant time savings, especially during low-vis operations!

Those mesh baskets in the picture are placed over our intake cooling openings to prevent large objects like sea life and rubbish from entering the internal cooling system. We designed them to attach to the hull with industrial magnets for easy maintenance. The white ones in the boat are newly cleaned and the brown one is being removed after several weeks in place underwater - quite the difference!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Perfect Storm

Rainy season is officially over - and has been for almost two months now.
But the rain keeps coming.
The size and scope of the approaching storms is always impressive, imbuing a proper sense of smallness upon deeper inspection.

Soon the last of them will pass and give seasonal place to the Harmattan.
But for now the rain brings a welcomed freshness, perhaps even cleansing.