Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cheap travel

I am currently traveling from Newcastle to London by bus, enjoying the British countryside.

I have my own seat.
It has a seatbelt.
There are no animals tied to the roof.
...or hood.
...or trunk.
There is climate control.
The bathroom isn't the side of the road when the vehicle breaks down.
The vehicle hasn't broken down.
There are rest stops but they are for the driver, not the passengers.
There are posted speed limits.
...which are obeyed.
There has been no notable traffic.
The cars on the other side of the road are traveling the opposite direction.
There is no distorted music.
In fact, there is no music save the occasional emanation from nearby earphones. 
Everyone speaks English.
We left on time.
I have the expectation of arriving on time.
There was a posted schedule of departure and arrival times.
...on the Internet.
I paid for the ticket with a credit card.
...via the Internet.
...via my phone.
My receipt was texted to my phone.
That text was also my boarding pass.
There is even free wifi!

And what did all this luxury cost?

Yes, I am still very much in culture shock.

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